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About Me

Governments have recently increased their efforts and enacted new laws and regulations in order to fight corruption, money laundering, and financing of other criminal activities. The rapid expansion of cross-border crime has also required governments to provide for an inter-state cooperation, mainly in the field of extradition, criminal proceedings, and enforcement of foreign judgments. In this regard, there is an arising need for more reforms as business criminal law had dynamically made an entry into the field of international commercial contracts, international banking & finance, and international litigation as well. The frequently asked question here is the extent to which can a corruption scheme ( or any other white collar or corporate crime) committed overseas impact a court's decision or the award of an arbitrarily tribunal. Here comes the importance of an independent expert report on the criminal matters of the factual assumptions. I regularly act as an expert in anti-corruption matters and business crimes related to the Arab Region. In 2016-2017 I was instructed by a distinguished international law firm in a heavy weight litigation involving the Libyan Criminal Law, where I submitted 3 expert reports for the High Court of Justice, Queen's Bench Division in London. My field of expertise is available for any potential client in similar circumstances, whereas corruption allegations are raised by the parties during a state proceeding or arbitration.

Ossama Ebied

(Chairman and founder)


Admitted in the Egyptian bar association


Bachelors of Law, Cairo University


Masters degree in Criminal law, Cairo University


Université Panthéon Assas (Paris II)


PhD in Business Criminal Law, The alternative dispute resolution in criminal law, Cairo University

Work Experience

Mar 16

Speaker in various events related to the Business Criminal Law

ex. The 2nd Arab Lawyers Forum on the current challenges faced by Arab Lawyers and possible remedies, El-Gouna-Egypt, March 1-2, 2017. The Belt and Road Initiative : Economic Legal Landscape and Dispute Settlement, on The Liability of Companies’ Executives under the Investment Law in Egypt, CRCICA Auditorium, Cairo-Egypt, December 12th, 2017.

Mar 09

Attended different workshops

ex. Expert Witness in International Commercial Arbitration, arranged by CIArb in cooperation with CRCICA, Cairo-Egypt, December 24-25th,

Mar 10

Member of the board of directors of the Egyptian authority of anti-monopoly and free competition (2016 – 2017 )

Mar 18

Senior Partner

Ebeid law firm, Dr. Hassanein Ebeid & associates, solicitors & legal advisors


  • 2017

    Substantial Amendments to Egypt’s Penal Code Related to Corruption

  • 2017

    Overview on the Connections between Egyptian and Arab Criminal Law, General Principles & Application

  • 2017

    Towards Harmonized Criminal Strategy to Combat Corruption in the UK and the Arab Region “The study cases of UAE & ALGERIA”

  • 2016

    The Criminal Legal Policy For the Illicite Gains, a comparative study

  • 2017

    New Legal Approach For Criminal Justice to Tackle Financial Crimes in Egypt

  • 2009

    The Criminal Liability In the Banking Law

  • 2014

    The Criminal Liability In the Field of Competition and Anti-Monopoly Crimes

  • 2015

    New Approach For Amicable Settlements In Egypt In Criminal Matters

  • 2015

    An Academic Study on the UN Convention Against Corruption

  • 2009

    The Electronic Surveillance In Criminal Law


  • Advising in a money laundry case against a member of former Egyptian president Mubarak family to be submitted to Paris Criminal Court of Appeal
  • Collaboration with RUSSELL JONES & WALKERS, London, in providing legal consultation concerning the Egyptian law against corruption
  • Collaboration with both PETERS & PETERS Solicitors LLP and GHERSON Solicitors Immigration, Nationality and Human Rights Lawyers, concerning three business criminal cases against Egyptian businessmen in the sector of tourism and real-estate
  • Acting as an Expert on Libyan criminal law in a multimillion litigation case before the High Court of London, instructed by HERBERT SMITH AND FREEHILLS
  • The allocation of 2000 feddans in 6 October City to one of the most important members of former President Mubarak family in which we represented the vice-minister of urban and development in Egypt. This case pertains to a dispute in the real-estate sector of an amount of 970 Million EGP
  • Defending the former chairman of the Egyptian union of media for radio and television in the production of a number of series in Egypt and the Arab region. This case concerns a dispute amount of 18 million EGP
  • Defending the former minister of tourism in Former President Mubarak regime in 2 cases involving businessmen of the sector and relating to a dispute amount of 50 million EGP
  • Representing one of the most eminent companies in the real-estate sector in the Gulf area against the board of owners of one of its main projects in Cairo regarding a 55 million EGP dispute
  • Representing the CEO of one of the Egyptian banks in an insider trading case involving former President Mubarak two sons since 2012 till now and regarding a dispute amount of 2 billion EGP
Contact us

Feel free to ask any question to us

32B, 14 TH Floor,Mourad Street,Giza,Egypt

    • 0800-123456 (24/7 Support Line)
    • info@example.com
    • 6701 Democracy Blvd, Suite 300, USA